EOP History

The Educational Opportunity Program at California State University Channel Islands offers grants, educational assistance and deliberate programming for students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who display potential for success in the CSU curricula.
In April 1969, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 1072 (the Harmer Bill) which established EOP at California state institutions of higher learning. 50 years later, the EOP program is going strong, with access provided to first generation, low income, historically underserved students.
California State University Channel Islands, opened in fall 2002, as the newest campus to the CSU. A year after its inauguration, the first EOP class was established with a cohort of nine students. Over the last decade, EOP at CSU Channel Islands has grown and currently serves 220 incoming students.
EOP at CSU Channel Islands: Historical Milestones
Inauguration of California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI).
The Educational Opportunity Program at CSU Channel Islands was institutionalized from funding from the Office of the President at CSUCI. Inaugural cohort was composed of nine EOP students.

Inaugural EOP Cohort (2003)
The EOP Summer Bridge Program was launched and welcomed its inaugural class. The program was designed to help students transition from high school to college by providing them with an orientation to college life, review basic math, writing and study skills, and academic advisement.
EOP students and CSUCI student leaders gathered together in unity to avoid a $311 million cut to the CSU system, and potential elimination of the EOP program.
The Educational Opportunity Program established the End of the Year Banquet. This banquet was created to celebrate the leadership and perseverance first-generation, low-income students can achieve, despite the odds.
EOP hired its first EOP counselor. ​
EOP attended the 1st annual CSU EOP Regional Student Leadership Conference.
EOP admitted its largest EOP class, consisting of 60 first-year students.

Inaugural EOP Summer Bridge (2004)

First End of the Year Banquet Celebration (2004)
CSU & EOP Rally in LA (2004)

EOP at CSU Channel Islands became institutionally funded by the CSU Chancellor's Office.
EOP hired its first Assistant Director
EOP hired an EOP specialist.
EOP Summer Bridge (2011)